Welcome to IOCE’s website
Do you belong to a professional evaluation association, society or network? Does your professional organisation want to be part of an international movement that aims to improve evaluation across the world?
Then make sure that it belongs to the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE)!
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We are an organization for evaluation networks and societies that is committed to building a worldwide evaluation community. On this site you will learn about our mission and the activities and the events in which we have been involved.
Important ‘products’ for IOCE member organisations include materials and resources that provide support to evaluators and evaluation organizations. Under Resources you will find case studies of how 14 national and regional evaluation societies, associations or networks were established and organised. There are many other resources available on this website, including links to resources available from other sources.
The first issue
of the
IOCE Newsletter
is now available
Visit the
IOCE Documents
page under
to download.