Resources – Evaluation Standards and Guidelines
- AEA Guiding Principles Training Package
- AfrEA African Standards and Guidelines
- sraeli Association for Program Evaluation (IAPE) – Guidelines for Worthy Evaluation
- The Israeli Association for Program Evaluation, IAPE, is a non-profit professional organization, composed of academics, practitioners and users of program and project evaluation in a variety of fields – psychology, education, social services, health,business, and others. In 2009, at the end of the first decade of our activities, IAPE decided to compile and adopt guidelines for ethical evaluation – Guidelines for Worthy Evaluation.
- The Guidelines for Worthy Evaluation are available to download in pdf format:
- English | Hebrew | Arabic
- UK Standards and Ethics
- The Program Evaluation Standards in International Settings
Edited by Craig Russon
On February 18-20, 2000, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation-funded residency meeting of regional and national evaluation organizations took place in Barbados, West Indies. Several organizations were represented at the meeting as well as representatives from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, The University of the West Indies, the Caribbean Development Bank, and the United Nations Capital Development Fund.
One of the issues around which a lively debate ensued was The Program Evaluation Standards (The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 1994). The Joint Committee has always maintained that The Standards are uniquely American and may not be appropriate for use in other countries without adaptation.
Several national evaluation organizations from developing countries are anxious to undertake projects to create standards suitable for use in their own cultural contexts as a means to guide practice in their countries.
Some of the evaluation organizations from developed countries were less enthusiastic. They view standards as a barrier to innovation. They think that the word standards implies imposition of best practices. (Developing countries are not married to the term standards.) Furthermore, they think that no model can apply to all evaluations.
The participants at the Barbados meeting postponed resolution of the issue by saying that it was not appropriate to make a determination regarding this matter at the international level. Rather, this decision should be made by each country.
It is in the context of this debate that The Evaluation Center is pleased to print the seventeenth volume in the Occasional Papers Series entitled, The Program Evaluation Standards in International Settings. The volume contains six outstanding papers by Nicole Bacmann, Wolfgang Beywl, Saviour Chircop, Soojung Jang, Charles Landert, Prachee Mukherjee, Nick Smith, Sandy Taut and Thomas Widmer.