On Becoming a Member

Evaluation Associations Around the World 
– On Becoming a Member


The International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) is an umbrella body for evaluation networks, societies and associations. It is committed to building evaluation capacity, facilitating the development of new evaluation societies and networks, and raising awareness about evaluation and its potential contribution. It does this through supporting and working alongside existing and emerging evaluation organisations and those who sponsor, train and use evaluation expertise.

The IOCE is now registered in Canada as an international not-for-profit organisation with an international Board of Trustees drawn from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Australasia, North America and Europe – including the transition countries of Eastern Europe.

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There are four categories of IOCE membership

Full Members:
which are existing national or regional evaluation societies, associations and networks eligible for full membership, with voting rights.

Recognition of eligibility for membership is based at this time on criteria such as an explicit constitution or set of rules, an open procedure of electing committee membership on a regular basis, evidence of transparency, eg open meetings, circulation of minutes, procedures for handling membership fees or other funds and a programme of activities during recent years. The criteria for membership may be reviewed by the IOCE from time to time.

Associate Members:
which are in the process of becoming national or regional societies, associations or networks.

These would normally include recently established networks that have not yet become formalised. The IOCE is especially keen to welcome such associates and to support them as they develop and become established.

Institutional Partners:
which include international organisations, governments and foundations wishing to support and be associated with IOCE.

There are many international and national bodies that share IOCE objectives. Some have already formally associated themselves with the IOCE, eg by sponsoring the launch assembly in Lima, Peru or by providing funds. Others have not made financial contributions but support IOCE in other ways eg by offering advice, seeking common memoranda of understanding and discussing policy issues such as the improvement of evaluation quality and standards which they share.

Affiliated Groups:
which include sectoral and sub-regional or sub-national evaluation associations, societies or networks, not eligible for full membership but interested in participating in IOCE activities and committed to IOCE objectives.

It has also been suggested that there may be a variety of sectoral and sub-regional evaluation associations that would not be eligible for full membership but would be keen to be associated with the IOCE. These might include those specialising in the evaluation of areas such as health, human rights, and science and technology or strong associations from within a country that, as well as being affiliated with a national association, have an independent contribution to make to the world of evaluation at an international level.

Membership Fees

The IOCE has a mixed economy in which its funds come partly from external fundraising, partly from activities such as training and conferences, and partly from membership fees. The general principle of the organisation is to keep costs to a minimum. However, membership fees are essential to maintain the IOCE and its independence. The following membership fees have been set. They are in bands for two reasons: a) to recognise that different societies and groups will have different abilities to pay based both on their general circumstances as well as the numbers of members, and b) to recognise that income levels differ in different regions of the world – so we differentiate between countries/regions based on a UNDP index of national income.

Fees in U.S. dollars

Membership Category

High Income/

Medium Income/

Low Income

Full Members
Associate Members
Institutional Partners
Affiliated Groups

1,000 – 3,000
200 – 1,000
By agreement
150 – 500

500 – 1,500
100 – 500
By agreement
75 – 250

200 – 750
50 – 200
By agreement
30 – 100

In addition to fees, all members will be expected to be committed to the Mission and Objectives of the IOCE and to participate actively in its programme of work. For example, this may involve discussing IOCE themes at annual conferences, hosting study visits from evaluators from other parts of the world and helping raise funds for international evaluation training events. Members may also enjoy benefits such as reduced fees for attendance at conferences and training events and priority access to international networking activities.

In general only a proportion of the IOCE budget will be covered by membership fees. We expect that more will be covered by sponsorship; institutional members/partners; and income generating activities.

How to Join

Use the Secure On-line Membership Application Form:
If you have problems with this online form, please email Anna Wilson at the Secretariat so that we can assist you.

Use the downloadable Membership Application Form:
Please download (right click the link + save target as), print and complete the form. If you want to be invoiced, fax the completed form to + 1-613-729-6206. If you are enclosing payment in US dollars by cheque or money order, mail the form and payment to the IOCE National Office, 1485 Laperriere Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 7S8 CANADA.

How to Renew

Use the Secure On-line Renewing Members Form:
Please refer to your invoice for the appropriate amount.
If you have problems with this online form, please email Anna Wilson at the Secretariat so that we can assist you.

For further information, contact Anna Wilson at the Secretariat of the IOCE:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 001 613 722 8796
Fax:     001 613 729 6206