Overview – How the IOCE works
The IOCE General Assembly is the main forum where members identify priority directions and themes for IOCE and select the IOCE Board of Trustees, which is responsible to implement these priorities. General Assembly Meetings are open to all IOCE members.
Many IOCE activities are ‘virtual’, using web based resources where possible, keeping the IOCE costs as low as possible.
The IOCE plans to hold targeted specialist events in different regions of the world – usually in partnership with national and regional evaluation societies and associations.
The IOCE will accept, distribute and develop resources and documentation in English, French and Spanish where possible with available resources. Translation into other languages by regional and national evaluation organisations is encouraged.
The IOCE is incorporated as a ‘not for profit’ organisation in Canada, and has a Constitution consisting of Bylaws, Rules of Procedure and Operational Policies.
The IOCE Board has approved an initial Programme of Work. (For further details see separate Work Programme Briefing Note. (link) ) At the heart of this Programme of Work are two strands: support for new and emerging evaluation societies, associations and networks; and advancing evaluation through international debate and exchange through priority themes of international interest. To this end the IOCE is:
- Preparing resources for new and developing evaluation societies based on international experience in different cultural, economic, political and geographic contexts. These resources are being prepared in cooperation with existing evaluation societies and networks already active in the IOCE
- Initiating debate and exchange about the IOCE’s current ‘priority theme’. This is evaluation in different cultural contexts – nationally and internationally –including issues of social justice and human rights. The aim is also to clarify the implications of such themes for evaluator skills and practice.
Alongside these priorities, the current IOCE Board’s Programme of Work includes setting up systems and infrastructures such as the IOCE website, legal incorporation, membership systems, fundraising and planning for the next General Assembly.