Upcoming Events
Upcoming Webinar in the “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation” series:
May 2011
“Evaluating Capacity Development”
Peter Morgan, Independent Consultant
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments. You just need a computer, high-speed internet connection, speakers and a headphone with mic. You will also be able to write comments and continue the discussion after the webinar.
INTRAC Training: Monitoring and Evaluation
May 9 – 13, 2011
Oxford, UK
For more information, visit the INTRAC Website.
New Training Sessions Available – Channel Research
May 18 – 20, 2011
Le Grand Spinois, Belgium
For more information, visit the Channel Research Website.
Annual Seminar III Da Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento e Avaliaçao
June 1 – 3, 2011
Brasilia, DF, Brazil
More information
SLEvA 2011 International Conference: Evaluation for Policy and Action
June 6 – 10, 2011
Colombo, Sri Lanka
For more information, visit the Conference Website.
Summer School on Monitoring and Evaluation of International Development Programmes
6-11 June 2011
Bologna, Italy
The Centre for International Development in Bologna, in collaboration with SUNY/CID of Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, State University of New York, would like to bring your attention to a short summer course on M&E for international development programmes.
Visit the Centre for International Development Website for further details.
Programme International de Formation en Évaluation du Développement (PIFED)
Offert en collaboration avec la Banque mondiale, ce programme est la version française de l’International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) offert par l’Université de Carleton (Ottawa) depuis plus de dix ans.
Vous trouverez plus d’information au sujet de ce programme en consultant page Web du PIFED.
Ce programme s’adresse aux professionnels de l’évaluation de niveaux supérieur et intermédiaire ainsi qu’aux professionnels de la vérification, provenant de gouvernements, de banques de développement, d’organismes de coopération internationale, d’organisations non gouvernementales et de sociétés privées spécialisées dans l’évaluation du développement. Il est aussi ouvert aux cadres, gestionnaires et professionnels agissant aux divers paliers de la fonction d’évaluation et de la gouvernance.
Programme de base 2 semaines
Ateliers spécialisés 1 semaine
Programme de base 6 au 17 juin 2011
Ateliers spécialisés 20 au 23 juin 2011
Pour toute information complémentaire au sujet du PIFED, ou pour vous y inscrire, visiter notre site web.
AES 2011 Conference – Pre Conference Workshops and Abstract submission deadline approaching
29 August 2011 – 2 September 2011
Hilton Hotel Sydney, Sydney Australia
Only 5 weeks to submit your Conference Abstract or Pre Conference Workshop proposal!
Don’t miss out on submitting your abstract for the Australasian Evaluation Society International Conference 2011.
Pre Conference Workshop and Abstract proposal submissions must be received by 16 March 2011!
View the Call for Abstracts here or visit the Abstracts page on the Conference website.
Online Registration Open for the
2011 International Program for Development Evaluation Training
June 13 – July 8, 2011
This is the 11th year that IPDET will offer eighty hours of instruction and hands-on learning in the fundamentals of development evaluation during the two week Core Course (June 13 – 24), as well as more than 25 workshops in the two weeks that follow the Core Course (June 27 – July 1; July 4 – 8). Several dynamic new workshops include:
“Evaluating Networks and Coalitions”, taught by Jared Raynor, Senior Consultant with the TCC Group (originally, The Conservation Company) in the United States, and Heather Creech, Director, Global Connectivity, International Institute for Sustainable Development
“Developmental Evaluation: Applying Systems Thinking and Complexity Concepts to Enhance Innovation and Use”, taught by Michael Q. Patton, Evaluation Consultant, author and former President, American Evaluation Association
“Quantitative Impact Evaluation: Advanced Level”, taught by Jose Galdo, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration and Department of Economics at Carleton
Applicants can register for one to four weeks of training. In addition to intensive learning in large and small groups, the program includes special guest speakers, networking events, participant roundtables, and more.
Go to the website – – for more information about the program and our outstanding group of world-class, international instructors and to register on-line.
AES 2011 Conference – “Evaluation and Influence”
29 August 2011 – 2 September 2011
Hilton Hotel Sydney, Sydney Australia
For more information, visit the Conference website.
Registration now open.
Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation
Décentralisation rural et gouvernance local
Cours international en renforcement des processus multi-acteurs pour soutenir la dédentralisation
29 août – 16 septembre 2011
Wageningen, Pays-Bas
Wageningen International et l’Institut Royal des Tropiques ont le plaisir de vous annoncer l’organisation du cours sur la Décentralisation rurale et Gouvernance locale : renforcement des processus multi acteurs pour soutenir la décentralisation, du 29 août – 16 septembre 2011, aux Pays-Bas
Télécharger la brochure du cours.
Pour plus de renseignements et inscription en ligne, visitez :
International Conference: “Result-Based Management and Evaluation”
27 – 30 September, 2011
Batumi, Georgia
International Program Evaluation Network (IPEN) and Georgian Evaluation Association (GEA) invite evaluators from around the globe to attend the joint IPEN-GEA 2011 Conference: “Result-Based Management and Evaluation”, to be held on September 27-30, 2011 in Batumi, Georgia.
The IPEN-GEA Conference is expected to bring together evaluation practitioners, researcher, as well as representatives of the public, non-governmental, private sectors and media from Georgia, other countries of Former Soviet Union, Europe, US and other parts of the world.
Conference working languages will be English, Georgian and Russian.
Conference registration will open April 4, 2011.
Download the description.
Visit the International Program Evaluation Network (IPEN) and Georgian Evaluation Association (GEA) websites for more information.
2011 AEA Annual Conference
2 – 5 November, 2011
Anaheim, California, USA
For more details, visit the Conference Website.
SERIES OF LIVE WEBINARS – “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation”
Live webinars on “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation” organized by UNICEF, Rockefeller Foundation and Claremont University, in partnership with IOCE and DevInfo
The full webinar programme is available on the MyM&E website.
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments.
These webinars will enable the sharing of good practices and lessons learned. Global-level speakers will contribute international perspectives. No prior registration is required. To attend, you just need a computer and Internet connection.
The full schedule of webinars are available on the MyM&E website.
SERIES OF LIVE WEBINARS – “Developing capacities for country M&E systems”
UNICEF, IOCE and DevInfo, in partnership with UNDP, WFP and UNIFEM, are pleased to announce a series of live webinars on “Developing capacities for country M&E systems”.
June 2010 – September 2011
Authors of the newly published book “From policies to results. Developing national capacities for country M&E systems” will present their contributions and will be available to respond to your questions. Webinars will include senior evaluators from UN agencies, the World Bank, Universities and other major institutions, including Saraswathi Menon, Caroline Heider, Finbar O’Brien, Belen Sanz, Michael Quinn Patton, Craig Russon, Oscar A. Garcia, Michael Bamberger, Linda G. Morra, Jean Quesnel, David Fetterman, Hallie Preskill, Angela Bester, Alexey Kuzmin and Manuel Fernando Castro, as well as senior Government representatives responsible for the national monitoring and evaluation systems in countries in Asia and Africa, including Indran Naidoo and Velayuthan Sivagnanasothy.
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments.
Download the Webinar Schedule.
For additional information, please visit MyM&E
Past Events
During its formation, IOCE has been active in supporting emerging evaluation associations and networks. Among the most important initiatives have been:
IDEAS Global Assembly 2011
April 11 – 15, 2011
Amman, Jordan
For more information, visit the IDEAS Website.
Upcoming Webinar in the “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation” series:
5 April 2011
“Evaluating Sustainable Development”
Alastair Bradstock, Business Development Director of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments. You just need a computer, high-speed internet connection, speakers and a headphone with mic. You will also be able to write comments and continue the discussion after the webinar.
“Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation” Webinar Series
Live webinar on ” Evaluating Innovation”
Within the new series of monthly live webinars on “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation”, Claremont Graduate University, UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, IOCE and DevInfo, are pleased to announce the webinar on “Evaluating Innovation” with Steve Rochlin, Director, Research and Global Services, AccountAbility.
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011,
from 10:30 to 11:30 AM New York time.
Please check the local time in your own town at
10:15 – 10:30: Participant log in
(To log in, simply type your name and organization)
10:30 –11:30: Webinar
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments. You just need a computer, high-speed internet connection, speakers and a headphone with mic. You will also be able to write comments and continue the discussion after the webinar.
Live webinar on
” Effective strategies for evaluation capacity development”
Tuesday, 22nd February 2011, from 11h30 AM to 12h30 PM New York time
Within the series of monthly live webinars on Developing national capacities for country M&E systems with authors of the new book “From policies to results. Developing national capacities for country M&E systems”, UNICEF, IOCE and DevInfo, in partnership with UNDP, WFP, UNIFEM and ILO, are pleased to announce the eighth webinar with Hallie Preskill, Executive Director, Strategic Learning & Evaluation Center, FSG Social Impact Advisor & former President of AEA, and Alexey Kuzmin, President of Process Consulting Company & former Chair, IPEN, on “Exploring Effective Strategies for Facilitating Evaluation Capacity Development”.
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments. You just need a computer, high-speed internet connection thru cables, a headphone with mic and the latest Java program installed. You do NOT need to register in advance. Just log in the day of the webinar. You do NOT need to register in advance. Just log in the day of the webinar. For a quick participants guide to Elluminate, the software used for this webinar, see Getting Started with Elluminate Live! V10 video at
Detailed agenda and instruction on how to log in are available at MyM&E.
Live webinar on: Evaluating Organizational Performance
Within the new series of monthly live webinars on “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation”, Claremont Graduate University, UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, IOCE and DevInfo, are pleased to announce the webinar on “Evaluating Organizational Performance” with Charles Lusthaus, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Universalia Management Group; and Associate Professor, McGill University.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011 (Tuesday),
from 10:30 to 11:30 AM New York time.
Please check the local time in your own town at
10:15 – 10:30: Participant log in
(To log in, simply type your name and organization)
10:30 –11:30: Webinar
German Agency GTZ is organizing
a two-day international conference on
Systemic Approaches in Evaluation
January 25 & 26, 2011
Eschborn, Germany
The deadline for registrations has been extended to 28 November, even though no more papers can be submitted. Richard Hummelbrunner will be one of the key panelists and participants.
For more information and on-line registration, visit or
e-mail [email protected].
Ethiopian Evaluation Association (EEvA)
– A training course on Introduction to Evaluation
Saturday, 25 December to Tuesday, 28 December, 2010
Zerihun Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
EEvA is pleased to announce the first evaluation training to take place Saturday, 25 December to Tuesday, 28 December, 2010. The course is designed to equip participants with basic concepts of Impact/Development evaluations enriched with practical examples. The training will run for one week.
As seating is limited, we ask you to make payment (200 ET birr for members and non members) before Monday, 20 December, 2010 by close of business at the UNICEF Addis Ababa office – behind the Intercontinental Hotel, 7th floor, Room No 708; Tel, 0115184167 – ask for Meklit (please call before coming to the office) or at the Friendship Building Bole, 4th floor, Room 205/1 during working hours.
Download the Program.
Training venue is: Zerihun Building, 5th floor, Room No 56, Haya Hulet area.
Please contact: Tamiru Demeke ([email protected]), Fasika Kelmework ([email protected]), or Meklit Seido ([email protected]) with any questions.
UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Claremont Graduate University in partnership with IOCE and DevInfo present:
Series of one-hour live webinars on:
“Evaluating Networks and Partnerships”
Jared Raynor, Senior Consultant at TCC Group
Where: in front of your personal or work computer anywhere in the world
When: 7 December 2010 (Tuesday), from 10:30 to 11:30 AM New York Time
For the full series and links to log-in information, visit:
My M&E or CGU website
The webcast held on November 16 (“Emerging Practices in Evaluating Policy Influence”) set record attendance for UNICEF’s outreach work through such webinars. Anyone who was unable to attend may now watch the two previous webcasts on “International Development Evaluation” and “Policy Influence Evaluation” at
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments. You just need a computer, high-speed internet connection, speakers and a headphone with microphone. You will also be able to write comments and continue the discussion after the webinar.
Please check the local time in your own town at
Please excuse cross-postings.
Visit MyM&E to access webinars, videos, blogs, manuals and training on evaluation at
UKES 2010 Annual Evaluation Conference
Evaluation in a Turbulent World: Challenges, opportunities and innovation in evaluation practice
22-23 November 2010 – Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham, UK
The current programme for this year’s UKES Annual Evaluation Conference. is now available on the conference website The programme may still be subject to some minor amendments and the final version will be circulated shortly.
The keynote speakers are:
• Michael Blastland Journalist and co-author of The Numbers Game
• Professor Mark Hart Professor of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Aston Business School
• Dr Jenny Hughes Evaluator of education aid programmes and author of Project Managers’ Guide to Evaluation
• Professor Stephen Roper Director of the Centre for SMEs and Professor of Enterprise, Warwick Business School
• Professor Saville Kushner Professor of Public Evaluation, University of the West of England
Register now to ensure your place!
Further details are available from the conference administrators:
Professional Briefings
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01920 487672
First webinar in the
SERIES OF LIVE WEBINARS on “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation”
16th November 2010, from 9h30 to 10h30 AM
New York Time.
Please check the local time in your own town at
Within the new series of “monthly live webinars on “Emerging Practices in Development Evaluation”, UNICEF, the Rockefeller Foundation, Claremont Graduate University, IOCE and DevInfo, in partnership with the International Development Research Center, are pleased to announce the second webinar with Fred Carden, Director, Evaluation Unit, International Development Research Center (IDRC).
Webinars are free and open to interested people. You may attend virtually from your personal or work computer anywhere in the world. In addition to watching live presentations, you will have the option to ask questions and provide comments. You just need a computer, internet connection, speakers and a mic/headphone. You will also be able to write comments and continue the discussion after the webinar.
Additional information on how to participate and the agenda are available at or by accessing this link.
Visit the Event Archives for more